Heading out of town…

A couple of weeks ago I took a little break to rediscover my ‘why’ and ‘what for’ in promoting Zeke’s Gold.

I needed inspiration and I needed to have some peace, for quiet reflection. Zeke’s is a big part of our family life, my partner and I make it together and our child labels and packs the bottles ready for storage. It is a seamless routine that we have mastered and with music blasting in the background the time flies and the Jalapeños become infused with our good rhythm, love, and laughter.

I attended a course just before I took my ‘time out’ ‘reset’. The course was a fun filled introduction to working Instagram and making it work for me and not the other way round. Our tutor Lucy from @lucy_rewild was epic!! she was full of interesting ideas and ways that work for building your business flow and holding interest out there in the Instagram world. Lucy is a total fire cracker and she managed to totally enrol me into believing I could actually do this and have fun at the same time!! WOW! 🤦‍♀️ How did I not know this?

So, back to my little ‘reset’ I sat in this beautiful location Three Streams Raglan www.threestreams.co.nz that was surrounded with bush and birds and sun, it was heaven. I took time to sit and just be, I allowed myself to be creative, I journaled and read, I planned and recorded, I felt my ‘why’ and my ‘what for’ begin to emerge.

Working with Zeke’s Gold gives me a sense of accomplishment, it feeds the creative in me that I haven’t known how to feed for a long time and it boosts my ego when I do something that excites people. I know I can do this and rediscovering this knowledge was what I needed. We all need a little reminder of our amazingness don’t we?

What’s your WHY?

What’s your WHAT FOR?

Take some time out to rediscover yourself, it’s never to late.


Bagel Lovin’